Minds and Moods

  1. Mortimer Granville, M.D. London

Henry Renshaw, 356 Strand.

This little book contains some very interesting’ and carefully written articles on questions not often placed before the public in a comprehensive way.

The author has divided his subject into Thoughtland, Dream- land, Cloudland, the Land of Forgetfulness, Spiritland, Will, Self, Work, Rest, and the Burden of Life.

Concerning Thoughtland we are told: “To a few Thought- land is elysium; to many ‘ it is more terrible than tongue can tell; to most it is a realm of strange conception, wonderful and grotesque, meaningless and inexplicable.’ “

Again: ” There is, moreover, another source of confusion. Thought has a habit of dragging certain organs of the body after him into the realm where his own subject agencies should be paramount. Some people allow Thought to play this prank that, the moment they begin to think, the bodily action is suited to the mind thought, and without waiting to see whether the will is a consenting party, they tall to picking things to pieces, putting unconsidered trifles into their pockets, and generally performing indiscretions, which are at first called eccentricities?or crimes, according to the rank in life of the offender?and finally make up the tokens of insanity.

Dr Granville treats each of his articles in a gossiping way, and we have to thank him for his excellent work.


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