The Histamine and Insulin Treatment of Schizophrenia and Other Mental Diseases


Horace Hill, M.R.C.P. Baillifcre, Tindall

& Cox. Price 6s. net.

Dr Hill has written an interesting and valuable handbook describing his technique of histamine and insulin treatment in schizophrenia and other mental diseases. He discusses the action of histamine and points out that it seems to imitate nature’s method of curing local disturbances by causing what he describes as a local inflammation throughout the body. He suggests that the morbid change in mental cases may be an alteration in the endothelial cells of the capilliaries, an explanation which would account for the absence of organic changes found in post mortem cases. He also gives a number of interesting case histories.

The book will be of especial interest to those who are treating cases of schizophrenia and the other so-called functional psychoses by shock methods. D.M.O.


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