An Introduction to Child Guidance

  1. Mary Burbury, M.B., B.S., D.P.M., Edna M. Balient, B.Sc.

and Bridget J. Yapp, M.D. Pp. 200. 7s. 6d. London. Macmillan & Co. 1945.

The staff of the Manchester Child Guidance Clinic has produced an admirable little book describing their work. It is couched in simple language and shows the way in which a clinic should be run. Of course it is impossible to convey in print exactly how Child Guidance is done because it is almost more an emotional than an intellectual process. However, so far as it can be done the technique of play, drawing, story telling, etc., is described and the way in which inferences can be drawn from observation of the parents, the home, the school, and the street, which help in understanding the child and his maladjustment to the general situation, are adequately dealt with.

It is obvious that the understanding will be all the clearer when the impressions of three skilled people are pooled, especially when they are as enthusiastic and co-operative as the staff of this clinic obviously has been. It is interesting to note that in this, as in most clinics, little use is made of direct analytic technic in treatment even of adolescents, yet it is obvious that a thorough knowledge of the principles underlying such technique is quite essential. This book is to be thoroughly recommended to all interested in the welfare of children, and it has the merits that it is clear, concise, and as prices rule nowadays, cheap. R.G.G.


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