Ask the Children


Lieut.-Col. Ford Thomson,

M.B., Ch.B., I.M.S. (Retd.), Adviser to the Government of Madras in Child Psychology. Cassell. 15s.

Delightfully written and interesting though this book is, one gains the impression that it is based on somewhat limited experience, particularly where young children are concerned. The author appears to believe that character training is something which can be started during school age and that habits of feeding and cleanliness in infancy are matters to be dealt with by a process of conditioning. He does not seem to recognize the close relationship between early feeding and potting, and character formation. The author’s approach to the delinquent is refreshing and on the whole constructive, though many would disagree with his ideas on corporal punishment which he states ” has a very important place in the training of children.” C.H.S.


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