News mid Notes

C.A.M.W. Conference, December 11th, 12th and 13th, 1930 The next Conference of the C.A.M.W. will be held on Thursday., Friday and Saturday, December nth, 12th and 13th. It is hoped that a short session can be arranged for the morning of Saturday, December 13th, in order that the special facilities offered by the Railway Companies may be available over the week-end. The subjects for discussion and further details will be announced in the next issue of Mental Welfare.

Mental Health Course

The attention of readers is called to the enclosed slip giving particulars of a Mental Health Course of the London School of Economics and Social Science. The Child Guidance Council offers six scholarships of X181 I0S- ?deach to students desiring to take the Course. In the selection of candidates for the Scholarships, consideration will be given to their previous experience of social case work and to the type of work which they wish to pursue after training. It is not intended to give Scholarships to young students who have just recently taken a social science certificate and have had little social work experience, but rather to give further specialised training to those who have realised in their work the need for a wider knowledge of mental health problems. The scholarships are open to those wishing to undertake social work for children or adults at child guidance and hospital clinics at mental hospitals and in associations for the care of the mentally defective. They are also open to hospital almoners, children’s workers, probation officers, etc. Further particulars and application forms can be obtained from The Secretary, Child Guidance Council, 7, Buckingham Palace Gardens, S.W.i. Applications should be received not later than June nth, 1930.

Mental Treatment Bill

The Mental Treatment Bill passed its Third Reading in the House of Commons on May 14th. Attention of readers is called to the special article which appears in this issue with reference to mental health work in general. First International Congress on Mental Hygiene This Congress, which has just been concluded at Washington, formed a representative gathering which included over 200 official delegates from fiftythree foreign countries and six continents. Over 2,500 people attended the Congress, which has been one of the most successful ever held at Washington O 7 O and a permanent international Committee for Mental Hygiene has now been formed. Miss Fox attended the Congress as a member of the British Delegation and read a paper on the ” Social Aspects of Mental Deficiency.” It is hoped that she may be able to write a short account of the proceedings for the next issue of Mental Welfare.

British Social Hygiene Council Summer School

This Summer School which will be held at Digswell Park, Welwyn, Herts, from August 22nd to 29th next, is the fifth School organised by the British Social Hygiene Council. The School will include instructional courses on Biology and Psychology and their social applications. Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary, British Social Hygiene Council, Carteret House, Carteret Street, S.W.i. The Programme and a form of application for the School are enclosed with this issue.

Public Lectures

(1) An interesting series of six lecture-discussions on ” The Difficult Child as a Medical, Social and Psychological Problem,” has been arranged by the Child Guidance Clinic of the Jewish Health Organisation. The Lectures are being held on Mondays and Thursdays at 5.15 p.m., commencing on May 19th at Toynbee Hall, Commercial Street, E.i. The lecturers are Dr. Emmanuel Miller, Dr Noel H. M. Burke, Miss Beatrice H. Robinson and Mr. M. Fortes. Tickets for the whole course are 1/6 and may be obtained from The Secretary, Jewish Health Organisation, 19, Dorset Square, N.W.i (Ambassador 1477), or at the Child Guidance Clinic, Jews’ Free School, Bell Lane, Spitalfields, E.

(2) A Lecture will be given by Professor Jean Piaget on Friday, June 6th at 5.30 p.m., at University College, Gower Street, W.C.i. The subject of his lecture (in French) is ” La Logique Chez L’Enfant.” Dr C. Spearman will take the Chair. The lecture is open to the public without fee or ticket.

Public Social Services Handbook

A fifth edition of this useful handbook has just been issued by the National Council of Social Service. It gives a clear and concise account of all Public Social Services and their administration and should be in the offices of all social organisations. The fifth edition has been prepared with the intention of incorporating the new developments and administrative changes which have been brought about by the Local Government Act. The handbook can be obtained, price 2/-, from The National Council of Social Service, 26, Bedford Square, W.C.i.


It was with very great regret that we heard of the death of Miss Margaret Macdowall whose life was devoted to the education and training of mentally defective children and whose splendid work must be well known to all readers of this magazine. Miss Bertha James, who was closely associated with her, has kindly promised to write us an appreciation of Miss Macdowall’s life and work to appear in the next issue of Mental Welfare. As we go to press we have also heard with regret of the death of the Rev. H. N. Burden, the Warden of the Incorporation of National Institutions for Persons requiring Care and Control, who was, for many years, a member of the Executive Council of the C.A.M.W.


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