
A Christian Approach :Author: Kev. J. P. Hinton, B.A., and Josephine E. Calcutt, B.A. George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 5/-.

The voluntary sterilisation of those who are Unfit to produce healthy children is practiced in ^any countries, including Denmark, Norway, ^Weden, Switzerland and Germany and certain states in America and Canada. The question ls whether Great Britain should follow suit. In July, 1931, a Bill introduced to Parliament *?r the sanction of voluntary sterilisation was Set aside without debate!

In 1934, the Departmental Committee on sterilisation (known as the Brock Committee) jssued its report. Its terms of reference had been ” To examine and report on the informa- h?n already available regarding the hereditary ansmission and other causes of mental disorder and deficiency; to consider the value of sterili- sation as a preventive measure, having regard its physical, psychological and social effects and to the experience in other countries per- mitting it. “

The Committee was unanimously in favour of sterilisation on a voluntary basis for mental defectives. Passing beyond their terms of refer- erice they added:

‘ But we would go further. We would point ?ut that the considerations which led us to this c?nclusion apply with at least equal force to grave physical disabilities, such as certain forms ?f blindness, deaf-mutism, haemophilia, and yachydactyly which have been shown to be transmissible…

The evidence they produced was weighty enough to win Dr Tredgold to their viewpoint; one who had been active against it. The question is not one merely of academic interest. If sterilisation is a worthy method of reducing the number of unfortunates who are born with crucial handicaps then it is one that should com- mand the instant enthusiasm and support of all men.

The evidence this book advances lavishly shows that the end sought may be achieved by vasectomy in the male or salpingectomy in the female. These operations are not dangerous. The physiological effects are slight and there are no devastating psychological changes as in the case of more drastic measures. Where sterilisa- tion is in vogue promiscuity has actually lessened, not increased, but the practice is op- posed by H.H. Pope Pius XI in the Papal Enclycical called Sasii Connubii (1930). ” There is no possible circumstance,” says the En- cyclical, ” in which husband and wife cannot, strengthened by the grace of God, fulfil faith- fully their duties and preserve in wedlock their chastity unspotted.”

This book is an appeal to Christian people to study the alarming results of inherited and environmental factors upon the unfortunate off- spring of defective stock. It calls them to a reasoned consideration of the case and to action in educating public opinion and obtaining legal reform and it deals with sterilisation from the legal, medical, psychological, social and religious aspects, presenting an alarming array of facts which are sufficient to condemn the present order.

The writer of this review feels that the case presented in the book is reasoned and un- answerable. He feels that for the most part opposition is largely due to rationalisation such as is apt to occur when any matter of high emotional tone is considered. He feels also that a wider knowledge of the extent of the misery caused by the mating of the unfit is a necessary preliminary to reform. This knowledge the book amply supplies. N.C.


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