Dental Hygiene in New York City Schools


As a result of the dental hygiene week, held in New York City in May, 700,000 boys and girls have been equipped with individual tooth-brushes and dentifrice. The importance of keeping the teeth clean has been explained to the children, and they have had it impressed upon them that much toothache can be averted by using the tooth-brush with paste or powder at least twice a day. The response from the children has been hearty and almost unanimous. If the authorities can follow up this enthusiastic beginning with regular and thorough dental inspection and treatment for caries, there is no doubt that the health of the rising generation will be greatly improved and their efficiency likewise. International Congress of Education, August 16th to 28th.

Teachers going to California this summer should so plan their itinerary that they may attend the conventions in Oakland from August lGth to 28th of the National Education Association and the International Congress of Education. These conventions, which undoubtedly will be the greatest educational meetings ever held, will assemble in Oakland’s new Municipal Auditorium.


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