Abnormal Behaviour

    1. Gordon, M.D., D.Sc..

KK.(J.f.(tid.). Medical Publications Ltd., Princes Gate, London, S.W.7. 5s.

Dr R. G. Gordon is to be congratulated on the production of the book, Abnormal Behaviour. In his prefab he states that he is indebted to Mr. Alec Paterson, H.M. Officer for Prisons, for the suggestion that the book should be written, and it is a certainty that man) lay workers in the field of abnormal behaviour will W similarly indebted.

The book is particularly well written, with its chapter5 on normal behaviour and then contrasting chapter5 on the abnormal types, certain habits, asocial behaviour mental deficiency, and an outline of treatment. I”, addition, there is a most useful glossary at the end 0 the book. ,

The reviewer looking at the book from the point view of those for whom the volume is intended, vya5 pleasantly surprised, found it interesting, stimulating and particularly clear in its presentation of a difficu’! and complex problem. Readers will find that it bring5 together in a particularly happy way the various concept schools of thought and modern trends, and it can ^ thoroughly recommended as a sure foundation for furthej study; indeed many lay workers will find in it all tb* they require, but it will be difficult for them not to b* stimulated by the book to delve further into tb’! interesting field. A.S


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