Obituary Lord Southborough

The Rt. Hon. Lord Southborough, P.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.Y.O., K.C.S.I., whose death occurred on January 17th, 1947, was for many years Hon. Treasurer and later Chairman of the Rational Council for Mental Hygiene. His interest the Council arose through his friendship with the Founder, the late Sir Maurice Craig, M.D., C.B.E., and he was one of the original Founder Members. In an already busy life he spared time to take an active part in the Council’s activities, and to his wise and vigilant guidance much of the success of its work in those early ” pioneering ” days was due. He understook his duties with characteristic conscientousness and thoroughness, and having accepted a task he unswervingly carried it through at no matter what cost in personal inconvenience. His unfailing kindness and charm as well as his valuable services will always be remembered with latitude and affection by those who were associated ^th him on the National Council.


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