Music in Institutions


Willem van de

Wall. Assisted by Clara Maria Liepmann. New York, Russell Sage Foundation. Price $3.

In a Preface to this book by Dr William Sandy, Director of the Bureau of Mental Health, Department of Welfare, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, we are told that it is an outcome of practical work over a period of many years done by the author as a member of the Bureau of Mental Health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Originally the author’s task was to set up a music programme for hospitals for the mentally ill. He then found that the methods worked out for this purpose could be applied equally advantageously to other types of institutions, and Dr van de Wall’s services have been made use of by a wide variety of institutions throughout his State.

Following a general section on ” The Function of Music in Institutional Care and Treatment”, there is a series of chapters on Musical Activities in Institutions of various types, including those for the Mentally Defective and for the Mentally 111. A third Section consists of chapters on the Organisation of Institutional Musical Activities?e.g., Rhythmic Orchestras, Harmonica Bands, Community Singing, Dramatic Song Presentation, Rhythmics and Dancing, etc., and a fourth Section is devoted to the qualifications and work of an Institutional Music Worker. Lastly there is a section on the Administration of Music in Institutions and its relation to other activities.

The book has a number of photographic illustrations and should be of real value to workers in Institutions dealing, as it does, in so comprehensive a way with a subject upon which hitherto little has been published.


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