The Growing Child and Its Problems


Emanuel Miller, M.A.,

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M.(Can tab.), Physician, Institute of Medical Psychology ; Hon. Psychiatrist, West End Hospital for Nervous Diseases; Hon. Director, East London Child Guidance Clinic. Kegan, Paul. 6/-.

This book consists of a series of chapters by writers all of whom have an expert and practical knowledge of their subject, on: “The Child’s Needs and His Play”; “Educational Guidance”; “The Adolescent Girl” “Personality Deviations in Children” “Habits”; “Neurosis in School-Children” “Problems of the Growing Child”.

It deals with children from five years old to the end of the adolescent period and the various essays, to quote from Dr Emanuel Miller’s introduction :

“attempt to bring to the general and special reader the sort of mild disorders which tell us that the child is troubled or maladjusted; and each writer will attempt to show how best to meet these difficulties, so that children may enter adult life on a path which has been cleared for them by the benevolent insight of those who guide them.”

The subject matter throughout is presented in an attractive, readable form, and the book should be of great value to the intelligent parent as well as to the teacher and the mental health student.


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